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27 days ago
4 months ago
I like Zac!!! I"d love to meet him!!! I"d love to do and share lots of things man to man with him!!! He"s quite a stunning man to man inspiration on me too!!!
7 months ago
Looks like diver Tom Daley….which just about sends me over the edge 🤤
11 months ago
1 year ago
As a man who did porn albeit briefly, and as a long term sex worker, I can assure you this type of work does fuck with your head. That’s why I feel deep love and affection for male sex workers on and off screen. It’s also why I get pissed off and very vocal towards gay men who are incapable of showing empathy or support for those who escape the trap and find peace in religion. I’m thinking Justin Owens, Jake Genesis, Kyle Connor and many others. So angry are the gays whose idols dare walk away and condem the gay world they have inhabited. They have no idea what is happening in these men"s heads. They have no idea what it can be like working for a studio or doing sex work. Their vile comments speak mountains.
I chose sex work due to a high sex drive and a mate of mine who got me into it found a long term partner from it. I didn’t. I just ended up living and breathing sex. It has taken over my life. It"s been over 20 years since I had anything that resembles a relationship. I’m no longer working as a sex worker and have a regular job. But I am addicted to sex and gay porn. I tried desperately to let a religion grab me like it has others, but it just never happened. I would love for something to naturally come along and release me from this addiction.
This poor lad has ended his life and I find it really sad. Nobody knows the reason but it’s fair to make the assumption that his porn career contributed. Do some research and not all is rosey in the world of gay porn. Personally, I used to like twink porn but increasingly find myself cringing. I think sometimes that boys are too young especially the Helix 8teenboy Boyfun etc type of gay porn.
2 years ago
2 years ago
So sad. It"s hard not to think that porn played a role in his death - not the cause of it but a factor. These boys must often end up playing out or compensating for past abuse in their lives. It must be rare for them to come into porn sure of themselves and fully aware of their choices. Many are prod pros -- others are damaged before they ever get into it. As it becomes more acceptable and mainstream ( less of a stigma) maybe it won"t be the "mark of shame" any more
2 years ago
Lindo Ele
3 years ago
film star Zac Stevens is dead at 25
3 years ago
RIP handsome guy
4 years ago
RIP Sweet 🙏 Zac 😪
5 years ago
Is it true he had HIV?
6 years ago
such a shame he committed suicide,
6 years ago
geile bareback-stute
7 years ago