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Hace 3 meses
An Officer & His Gentleman (Celsius) needs to be uploaded.
Hace 6 meses
Limited Entry (Vivid) needs to be uploaded.
Hace 8 meses
what a big round asss on this guy!!!!!!! smooth and very nice and juicy!!!
Hace 8 meses
Pumped (Dack Video) needs to be uploaded.
Hace 11 meses
Tão Lindo Ele A Eu Com Ele Sonho
Hace 1 año
4"12"??? Really!! That"s 5". But I don"t think he was that short.
Hace 1 año
Tim Barnett makes an interesting subject given his criminal behavior. Why was he stalking women, yet he had sex with men? His rapes occurred in parallel with his gay porn career. He was realtor when he was not doing gay porn.
Hace 2 años
anyone got the movie valley of the bi dolls he starred in that
Hace 2 años
I know all about his being a serial rapist and hanging himself in jail, but I still think he was one of the handsomest guys in porn with a great body and a sexy way of tallking. Too bad he had such a problem getting his dick hard.