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Hace 1 año
Gorgeous. Supersexy. Want to fuck him.
Hace 1 año
What a man!
Hace 1 año
Paul Johnson II is a separate porn star.
Hace 2 años
4"12"?!?! Really?!!!
Hace 2 años
Two of the videos here are of wrong Paul Johnson. This profile is of Paul Johnson aka Thomas Priest who has made 44 movies mainly for Falcon Studios and All Worlds Video. height 5ft 11in / 180cm, weight no data, dick size 7in / 18cm , Versatile. He is real-life couple of Jon Ashe. They have scenes together in Sex Psycho by Thor Productions and PornStruck 7, also both has performed in A Simple Whisper by All Worlds Video and Resurrection by Hot House Entertainment. Paul Johnson is born on 20th of November but the year is uncertain.
Hace 2 años
Hace 2 años
is dead?